African and Caribbean Music : professional structures

Professional Structures



Links : African and Caribbean Music : professional structures

africarythms-comAfrica Rythms

Africa Rythms is an independent artist and concert promotions company based in the United States. The organization's main focus is the promotion of African Music and it's artists. The organization work with artists from all African music genres: reggae, rhumba, salsa, jazz, gosplel, rap, hip-hop, folk, traditional, and many more. With the motive to promote African music with both social and cosmic consciousness, the Africa Rythms organization has collaborations with various institutions and venues throughout the United States.

alternactive-orgAssociation Altern'active

Association Altern'active - Métissages d'initiatives.
Ateliers, événements et voyages pour découvrir les cultures du monde.=

africafest-comAFRICAFEST : African Artist Agency

With offices in the USA, Washington DC, and Atlanta, as well as Dakar Senegal (Africa), we live in an abundance of arts and diversity in internationally minded communities. We are gradually building a worldwide network of African artists who perform in venues worldwide.

madminutemusic-comMad minute music

MAD MINUTE MUSIC is a world music agent and promoter since 1988.

abantupromotions-comAbantu Promotions

Abantu Promotions specialises in the promotion and the management of Southern Africa artists, with it's goal being to promote professional South African and Zimbabwean artists of all genres, and offer booking facilities whether for a gig, tour or public appearance.

worldmusicinstitute-orgWorld Music Institute

World Music Institute is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 1985, and dedicated to the research, documentation and presentation of traditional and contemporary music and dance from around the world.

kongoi-comKongoi Productions

Kongoi Productions: Promotion of African music and artists in Scandinavia an world wide. Musicians booking and management as well as publishing.

multiculturalmedia-comMulticultural Media World Music and Dance CDs and Videos

World Music and Dance Videos and CDs

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