Gabon : Photos

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Nyonié camp Beti et village

La rivière Nyonié

Rivière en bordure de mer


River by the sea


Dauphins dans la Baie de Nyonié au Gabon

La caractéristique des dauphins Sousa est la bosse que les animaux adultes ont, et la nageoire arrière allongée. Ils atteignent une longueur de 2 à 3 m.

Palmiste africain Gypohierax angolensis - Palm-nut Vulture

This nest is installed between 6 and 27 meters above the ground, among the leaves of a palm tree, on the fork of a baobab tree or at the top of a euphorbia. Plant material torn from the palm tree is often used to line the bottom. Like most vultures, the palm kernel lays a single egg which is hatched by the only female for 44 days. The young keep the nest for at least 90 days.

Palmiste Africain


Jupiter Jon. Durangoko Liburu eta Disko Azoka

Jupiter Jon taldearen kontzertua Durangoko liburu eta disko azokan. Plateruena Kafe Antzokia.Argazki gehiago / Mas fotos
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Jupiter Jon. Durangoko Liburu eta Disko Azoka

Jupiter Jon taldearen kontzertua Durangoko liburu eta disko azokan. Plateruena Kafe Antzokia.Argazki gehiago / Mas fotos
Bideoa / Video


Euphaedra imitans. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park. Gabon, 4 April 2019. This has rapidly become one of my favorite butterflies. Something about the unusual moth-like flight and the intense rosy crimson fluttering through the darkest parts of the forest. I spent three days trying unsuccessfully to obtain the 'perfect' picture.


Euphaedra imitans. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park. Gabon, 4 April 2019. This has rapidly become one of my favorite butterflies. Something about the unusual moth-like flight and the intense rosy crimson fluttering through the darkest parts of the forest. I spent three days trying unsuccessfully to obtain the 'perfect' picture.


Euphaedra imitans. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park. Gabon, 4 April 2019. This has rapidly become one of my favorite butterflies. Something about the unusual moth-like flight and the intense rosy crimson fluttering through the darkest parts of the forest. I spent three days trying unsuccessfully to obtain the 'perfect' picture.


Euphaedra imitans. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park. Gabon, 4 April 2019. This has rapidly become one of my favorite butterflies. Something about the unusual moth-like flight and the intense rosy crimson fluttering through the darkest parts of the forest. I spent three days trying unsuccessfully to obtain the 'perfect' picture.


Euphaedra imitans. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park. Gabon, 4 April 2019. This has rapidly become one of my favorite butterflies. Something about the unusual moth-like flight and the intense rosy crimson fluttering through the darkest parts of the forest. I spent three days trying unsuccessfully to obtain the 'perfect' picture.


Euphaedra imitans. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park. Gabon, 4 April 2019. This has rapidly become one of my favorite butterflies. Something about the unusual moth-like flight and the intense rosy crimson fluttering through the darkest parts of the forest. I spent three days trying unsuccessfully to obtain the 'perfect' picture.


Euphaedra edwardsi. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park, Gabon. 4 April 2020


Euphaedra variabilis. Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park, Gabon. 4 April 2020


Bicyclus xenoides? Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park, Gabon. 4 April 2020


Euphaedra margaritifera? Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo National Park, Gabon. 4 April 2020

Gulfstream G650ER Gabon Government TR-KGM

My Instagram / Airplane Pictures


Bebearia zonara? Ipassa Research Station, Ivindo national Park, Gabon. 4 April 2020.

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