Blogs : Libye

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En Egypte, rien ne va plus

Ils ont le H5N1, le H1N1, la méningite qui sévit en Afrique actuellement, la peste bubonique en Libye à leurs frontières, et maintenant ça :   Panic affects people of Alexandria after the death of 3 and 7 exposed to a strange injury in the blood Wednesday, June 17, 2009 - 13:32       A state of panic hit the people of Ameriya in Alexandria after the death of three cases Shatibi Hospital in Alexandria, after doctors diagnosed as suffering from a st

qaddafi in italy

Does this man look like any kind of official, diplomat, politician, or otherwise international figure? Much less a “brother leader” or “glorious guide” or however he styles himself these days?Unfolding his circus tent as usual in the park of the Villa Doria Pamphili in Rome, Qaddafi (recently having become the world’s longest reigning dictator) upheld a declaration of friendship with Italy, in which Italy apologized for having colonized Libya (which then was but an Ottoman province), massacred t

Not in Utah or New Mexico

Libye (Libya), Akakus Originally uploaded by david_rombaut . This photo was taken in Libya (North Africa). Looks nice.

Day Opening - June 12

Gadhaffi and his body guards...